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Lawyers Targeting Tech Entrepreneurs

By June 11, 2021December 14th, 2021Blog

In your Fintech Playbook, the Fintech Entrepreneur Persona will look something like this.

Degree and MSC
Driver, Analytic
Dress code
Snappy smart casual
Online; sector sites, games, whodunnit
Alumni, sector specific, others like them
Gaming, fitness, investing, likes to unravel a mystery & charity

How to market to them

Initial contact

Phone or WhatsApp call, some of our clients are dropping a video introduction by Whatsapp. However a simple phone call will do.

Get to the point quickly

Your differentiators should show faster, more efficient, use of tech, specialisms like Bitcoin audits, your team are global and home based, you understand their sector.


Meals out with similar types, Chatham House Round Tables, think dating, interviews / podcasts.

When you meet them

  • Dress to kill, they’ll never admit it but they like money and the trappings
  • Partner profile should match the prospect, see the world through their eyes
  • Give them confidence by knowing a lot about their success to date
  • Flatter them through detailed questioning of them and their business
  • Hold opinions on your solutions and allow discussion
  • Close hard (they want strong advisors)

What will Chartered Developments do.

  • Build, well researched, databases of companies and people
  • Create leads – a constant flow of meetings
  • Clients reviews and win/loss surveys
  • Personal lead generation coaching


Our experience
For a 2 minute explanation here.

‘Note, this recording focuses on accountants and equally applies to law, investment management and other consultancies’

Our fees?
Minimum £1,500 a month.

Click here to learn more